We hear the term ‘structural disadvantage’ a lot. Because of so called structural disadvantage we are encouraged to ‘take the knee’, to see the consequences of structural disadvantage in terms linked to race or maybe some other identity. Do people including politicians really understand structural disadvantage?


Marx or Lenin. Socialism, Democracy and the State. Marxism has evolved, not only because of a fashion for different interpretations but because of changing material realities, making large parts irrelevant or requiring radical reinterpretation. Marx was writing in the early to mid-nineteenth century a world quite


De Coding Wokeness; A Simple Guide. We hear a lot about the woke. But what is it to be woke? To understand wokeness it is necessary to understand a couple of theories one going back to the 1950s called postmodernism an oversimplification of Marxist consciousness and


Introduction It was Karl Marx who said Marxism solved the riddle of history. His nineteenth-century analysis explains a lot about the world as we know it today. People are feeling that the world is going mad. Clashing sets of values and ideas causing anger and outrage. But


Open Letter to Black Lives Matter - A British Perspective from Blue Revolution. Dear Black Lives Matter, Having read about your organisation from your website it seems that your aim is not just to bring about greater harmony between people of different races by highlighting the disproportionate


Dear Mr Goldsmith                                                                                                                            17 August 2019 For several years there has been a debate about the use of ritual slaughter and how this can be reconciled with the grizzly business of slaughtering animals as humanely as possible. The UK is said to have a good reputation