I work for the public sector in Boston and live and walk to work in the area. I can often be seen litter picking around the town. I believe that politics is not just about talking it is about doing and over the years I have achieved a number of successes. These have included bringing forward Council ‘works’ and helping to develop various projects within the town, like refurbishing the Boston welcome signs. South Division has some challenges. Litter and fly-tip are problems particularly along the A16 route into Boston. Our town has changed over the last twenty years and many of the public services, people rely on, have not yet caught up with those changes. This has led to an increase in low-level anti-social behaviour such as public urinating, defecating, spitting and littering. I will make it my task to get something done about these issues if you elect me to Lincolnshire County Council, I believe people come first, no if’s and no but’s.
Making a difference
Even when not an elected, I am always active in the community.
Regardless of wether or not, you choose to vote for me I will continue to work to improve the community in which we live.
1 – As a councillor I was able to arrange town centre seating to better locations such as this one opposite Len Medlock
2 – I have been involved, both as a Councillor in the past and as a member of the public in tidying up shrubs and where maintenance is problematic, having them removed.
3 – I had disabled bays moved to assist visitors at Chantry House.
4 – Shrubs removed and a bin and seat put into what is a popular place to sit.
5 – Tidying up Nelson way, removing fly tip and litter, pruning trees and shrubs and removing ivy growing out of the road surface.
6 – THREE ON GOING PROJECTS – Weeding the raised bed at high Street, helping to maintain town signage. All project on going for years.