And finally bringing the Blue Revolution together for the sake of our revolving blue planet

Debt and the demands of consumer-based growth are destroying our planet. With A Blue Revolution’s commitment to promoting social value by delivering democracy at the level of peoples lived experience, provision for children and the elderly will come with state support but with less bureaucracy and elitism. We should see the drive to consume and general indebtedness decline. With fewer people overpaid by the state there should also be a reduction in aggregate demand, and this takes the pressure off the planet. The elite will not want it like this they will want us to take the hit to save the planet whilst they carry on regardless.

By scaling back the bureaucracy of the state the British will signal that the age of the super-rich living off the debt of others whilst the planet overheats has come to an end and that rather than talking hot air at every global conference Britain is doing something about its moral, economic, sociological and environmental problems and guess what? All these factors work to improve each other and thereby help to save the planet.