
Education has a vital role to play in contributing to the nation’s collective well-being. It is an essential pre-requisite in establishing, and maintaining, Britain’s future on the world scene. We do not believe that education is about employment but is about life choices beginning with the choice by parents to have children in the first place.

‘Education for education’s sake’ must become a central tenet of educational policy. Thus, the essence of Blue Revolution’s educational policy, as an acknowledgement that every ‘learner’ in our society should have numerous affordable education pathways to provide opportunities for a fulfilling lifetime of learning which is both social and economic in character. Education is a human right; not something which should be a burden on the state or individual. As such, there are some essential principles which we would like to see reflected in education which are based on a contract between the people and a people’s state. They are as follows:

  • A move towards a broad, diversified and inclusive National Curriculum which takes learning beyond the basic subjects
  • The abolition of imposed selection or pressured direction within the education system. This will enable the student at any age to demonstrate choice on what they study and when they study it.
  • Free access to education at any age.
  • Create a universally accepted view that vocational and academic routes to learning are of equal esteem. Eradicate the stigma of not going to University and remove the disproportionate economic advantage associated with the private schools and top universities.
  • With all the above in mind reduce the school leaving age to 15 which is year 10, for those with a minimum standard of literacy and a guaranteed contract of two years employment.


Education is vital to the nation’s well-being. It should suit the needs of the people throughout their lives and be flexible enough to enable people to enter education at any level at any point in their lives. Education provided by the state will not be used to reinforce economic advantage or disadvantage.