We had a paradigm shift in the 16th and 17th century why do we resist one now?
Dramatic things happen over centuries not decades. Since Britain consolidated into a “Nation” it has been run by something called the “State”. From time to time the “State” under performs whether that is a Plantagenet king or a whole system like the Feudal System. When that happens like today there is pressure for change and then a revolution.
Today we have a “State” that is indebting us. Each one of our two main parties wants to take over the “State” and run it badly, on our behalf. One party is well intentioned but committed to managing the “State” with no real understanding of what is wrong with it, the other wants to crank up the debt and control our lives on a scale unknown for hundreds of years. There is a real prospect that being a Tory or a Person of Jewish faith could become illegal the Corbyn “left” hate them so much.
What happens when the “State” has bankrupted the Nation and has consolidated its power. We don’t know yet, it will probably involve anti semitism and misogyny amongst other delights, but we know how it happens and it is happening now. Support a Blue Revolution and halt the decline.