Attendance in person or on-line via ‘Teams’ Mike Gilbert (leader) RPL(Treasurer), Richard Thornalley, Mark Baker, Tom Gilbert. Tristan Gilbert, Gavin Lee Chairman’s Report                                                                                                                                                              Mike Gilbert reviewed the year. Blue Revolution had continued to use its facebook page to post but with much lower levels of interest. Difficult to get


Blue Revolution AGM 11th March 2020 Attendance: T Gilbert, N Hastie, R Thornalley, M Baker, Bryan Reeves, Chris Moore, A Keal, R Parker-Lee, G Lee. Apologies No Apologies Accounts Accounts proposed by Neil and Seconded by Richard. Approved by all present. Activities and publicity 2019 Facebook is giving us a lot of


Blue revolution AGM 18.03.21 Attendance on-line via ‘Teams’ Mike Gilbert (leader) Ros Parker-Lee (Treasurer), Richard Thornalley (Monitoring Officer), Mark Baker, Chris Moore, Tom Gilbert. Apologies: Tristan Gilbert Leader/Chairman’s Report                                                                                                                                                              Mike Gilbert reviewed the year. Pre-Covid Blue Revolution had been active attending meetings at Boston Borough and reporting the meetings