AGM 2023 Minutes
Minutes of the Blue Revolution AGM held at 22 Tower Street, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 8RX on 25th March 2023 at 7pm.
Mike Gilbert, Mark Baker, Chris Dorrington, Richard Thornalley, Jessica Hal, Gavin Lee, Rosalyn Parker-Lee, Tristan Gilbert, Jody Raggo, Charlotte Halderson, Andi Keal, Carol Broomfield- Douglass,
Tom Gilbert via Zoom
Apologies -Toby Gilbert
Discretionary Items.
Chair’s opening remarks.
Mike stated that in line with there being no elections in the preceding year there had been no campaigning. He described a meeting he attended on the 17th March 2023 which was promoted as a community safety meeting with senior police in attendance, MP Matt Warman and Leader of BBC Paul Skinner. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss relevant community safety issues and to offer support to a mother following a tragic death of her daughter last year. However it became clear that this was a show case for the so called Boston Independent Group. The impartial chair was ignored and the Roving Mic held by a BiG candidate was used to decide who could speak and when. It was the first day of campaigning and the event was opened by the Mayor in civic regalia, a BiG candidate and putative BiG leader. The following day it was confirmed that the grieving mother was a BiG candidate for Station Ward. Mike also stated that he had been fifth in line to speak but the roving Mic came to him last with three minutes before the close of the meeting.
Mandatory Items.
Approval of the accounts since Dec 31st 2021.
£505 in donations received, charges and fees for registration taken int account and with no campaigning last year there is a current bank balance of as of Dec 2022 of £734.70.
Mike Gilbert Proposed the accounts. The proposal was seconded by Jody Raggo and carried unanimously.
Election of Officers.
Leader: Mike Gilbert Proposed Rosalyn Parker-Lee as Leader. The proposal was seconded by Gavin Lee and carried unanimously.
Treasurer: Richard Thornalley proposed Jody Raggo as Treasurer. The proposal was seconded by Rosalyn Parker-Lee and carried unanimously.
Nominating officer: Gavin Lee proposed Tristan Gilbert for a second year. The proposal was seconded by Carol Broomfield- Douglass and carried unanimously.
4th (campaigns) officer: Mike Gilbert Proposed Gav Lee. The Proposal was seconded by Jodie Raggo and carried unanimously.
There being no further mandatory business the meeting closed at 8pm.