AGM 2022 Minutes
Attendance in person or on-line via ‘Teams’ Mike Gilbert (leader) RPL(Treasurer), Richard Thornalley, Mark Baker, Tom Gilbert. Tristan Gilbert, Gavin Lee
Chairman’s Report
Mike Gilbert reviewed the year.
Blue Revolution had continued to use its facebook page to post but with much lower levels of interest.
Difficult to get our ideas across as a non-membership party struggling to get the message that membership parties appeal to their members and fail to capture the interests of the wider population.
Mike was interviewed by Endeavour Radio. It went too well and having given a good account of BR the interview was 404 on the website.
Website went down in January, no explanation but it seems likely to have been technical.
The latest Booklet ‘What next for the West’ sent to MP’s and other opinion formers.
Discussed losing members since 2017………. This is probably due to the belief members have to share the same opinions as in a membership party. Those who have left don’t seem to understand that Blue Revolution has no policies aside from reforming the system and giving an alternative to ordinary people by offering an alternative to membership parties.
C M made a mess of being interviewed on line by students on the issue of green policy.
MG will arrange a neighbourhood leaflet for station ward from June onwards.
Richard Thornalley, continues to manage the Boston Resident twitter account which has had some modest interest. 114 followers. Mike Gilbert continues to post on the Blue Revolution twitter page which has led to links with two other small parties. Some discussion about a small party’s conference. Put articles into the Website.
MG has sent booklets available on Etsi to numerous public figures and influencers. In the last year. In total we have sold 15 booklets on Etsy.
The group continue to engage constructively with other parties and ‘independent’ groups.
There are elections coming up in 2023 which even with the Covid issue give BR a chance to promote its brant of politics without bullying power.
Accounts for the year 31 Dec 2020 to 31 Dec 21
The year began with £731.50 in the bank account. With County Elections and a by elections in the period some campaigning costs were incurred for Chris Moore. We also had a large billboard campaign. Total expenditure of £786.40 Other expenditure was the ELECTORAL COMMISSION registration fee of £25.00 plus a further £25.00 to register new details. With donations of £545.00 the balance as at 31.12.21 was £340.10. These accounts are agreed as a record of the last financial year 2021-2022.
Accounts proposed by MG and seconded bt TC
Election of officers
Proposed by R P-L that MG remains Leader seconded by GL
Richard resigned as Monitoring officer. It was proposed by Mark Baker that Tristan Gilbert becomes Monitoring Officer for 2022-23.- This was seconded by GL
It was proposed by MG that R P-L remains as treasurer. This was seconded by Mark Baker.
Leader, Mike Gilbert
Treasurer, RPL
Nominating Officer, Tristan Gilbert.