AGM 18.03.21
Blue revolution AGM 18.03.21
Attendance on-line via ‘Teams’ Mike Gilbert (leader) Ros Parker-Lee (Treasurer), Richard Thornalley (Monitoring Officer), Mark Baker, Chris Moore, Tom Gilbert.
Apologies: Tristan Gilbert
Leader/Chairman’s Report
Mike Gilbert reviewed the year. Pre-Covid Blue Revolution had been active attending meetings at Boston Borough and reporting the meetings on the Blue Revolution face book page. This had generally gone well with a lot of public engagement. Since Covid attendance at ‘virtual’ meetings had fallen away and whilst some meetings had been attended remotely no ‘posting’ had followed.
Blue Revolution had continued to use its face book page to post but with much lower levels of interest.
Richard Thornalley continues to manage the Boston Resident twitter account which has had some modest interest. Mike Gilbert continues to post on the Blue Revolution twitter page which has led to links with two other small parties. Some discussion about a small party’s conference.
MG has been interviewed about Blue Revolution by local students.
MG has sent booklets now available on Etsi to numerous public figures and influencers.
The group continue to engage constructively with other parties and ‘independent’ groups.
There are elections coming up which even with the Covid issue give BR a chance to promote its brant of politics without bullying power.
Accounts for the year 31 Dec 2019 to 31 Dec 20
The year began with £322.50 in the bank account. With no elections in the period the only expense was the ELECTORAL COMMISSION registration fee of £25.00. With donations of £434.00 the balance as at 31.12.20 was £731.50
Election of officers
It was agreed by all in attendance that all current officers could retain their current role’s. Thus, for the year 2021 to 2022 the officers of the party are:
Leader, Mike Gilbert
Treasurer, Rosalyn Parker-Lee
Monitoring Officer, Richard Thornalley.